I. – In order to facilitate the professional integration and social advancement of young people in teaching professions, local public teaching establishments and local public agricultural teaching and vocational training establishments may offer future teaching posts.
II – The job of future teacher is intended for students with higher education grants covered by Chapter I of Title II of Book VIII of Part III of the Education Code enrolled in the second year of a bachelor’s degree or, where applicable, in the third year of a bachelor’s degree or in the first year of a master’s degree in a higher education establishment, aged twenty-five at the most and intending to work as a teacher. The age limit is raised to thirty if the student has a disability recognised by the Commission des droits et de l’autonomie des personnes handicapées.
III – The students mentioned in II benefit from priority access to jobs for the future as teachers if they are studying in an academy or in a subject where there are particular recruitment needs and they can prove :
1° That they have lived for a minimum period in a priority urban policy district, in a rural regeneration zone within the meaning ofarticle 1465 A of the General Tax Code, in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon ;
2° Or have completed a minimum period of secondary education in a school located in one of these areas or covered by priority education.
The minimum periods mentioned in 1° and 2° of this III are set by decree.