The Articles of Association determine the registered office and mode of administration of the company, the conditions necessary for the amendment of these Articles of Association and the dissolution of the company, the composition of the capital and the proportion in which each member contributes to its constitution.
They regulate the extent and conditions of each member’s liability for the company’s commitments.
The Articles of Association reserve the right of members to withdraw and claim repayment of the shares they own. However, this right may only be exercised at the end of the financial year, subject to three months’ notice and provided that the redemption of these shares does not have the effect of reducing the company’s capital to less than the initial capital to which it is subject in its capacity as a finance company.
The repayment may not exceed either the value of the shares of the resigning member at that time, or their nominal value. Any capital gains shall be transferred to the reserve fund, to which the reimbursed member shall have no rights.