Before granting approval to a financial holding company, a parent undertaking of a finance company or a mixed financial holding company, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall verify that the following conditions are met:
1° The internal arrangements and allocation of tasks within the group are appropriate to the objective of complying with prudential requirements on a consolidated or sub-consolidated basis and, in particular, are effective in :
a) Coordinate all subsidiaries of the financial holding company, the parent undertaking of a finance company or the mixed financial holding company including, where necessary, by means of an appropriate segregation of duties between subsidiary institutions ;
b) Preventing and managing internal conflicts within the group;
c) Apply the policies defined at group level by the parent financial holding company, the parent finance company or the parent mixed financial holding company throughout the group;
2° The organisational structure of the group to which the parent financial holding company, parent finance company or mixed financial holding company belongs does not prevent effective supervision of subsidiary or parent institutions with regard to the obligations to which they are subject at individual, consolidated and, where appropriate, sub-consolidated level. The examination of this criterion shall take into account, in particular:
a) the position of the financial holding company, the parent undertaking of a finance company or the mixed financial holding company in a multi-tier group ;
b) the shareholding structure ;
c) the role of the financial holding company, the parent undertaking of a finance company or the mixed financial holding company within the group;
3° The persons referred to in Article L. 511-13 and the members of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, the Management Board or any other body exercising equivalent functions must at all times be of sufficiently good repute and have the experience, knowledge and skills required to perform their duties;
4° The shareholders and members are appropriate in the light of the assessment criteria set out in I of Article L. 511-12-1.