The Supervisory Board is made up of :
1° Two members of the standing committee of the National Assembly responsible for finance, at least one of whom belongs to a group that has declared that it does not support the Government;
2° One member of the standing committee of the National Assembly responsible for economic affairs;
3° One member of the standing committee of the Senate responsible for finance;
4° One member of the standing committee of the Senate responsible for economic affairs;
5° A representative of the State, in the person of the Director General of the Treasury, who may himself be represented;
6° Three members appointed by the President of the National Assembly on the basis of their expertise in the fields of finance, accounting, economics or management, after public consultation with the standing committee of the National Assembly responsible for finance;
7° Two members appointed by the President of the Senate, on the basis of their expertise in finance, accounting, economics or management, after public consultation with the Senate’s standing committee responsible for finance;
8° Three members appointed by decree on the report of the Minister for the Economy, chosen on the basis of their expertise in finance, accounting, economics, legal affairs or management, after public consultation with a committee whose membership, determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, provides sufficient guarantees of independence;
9° Two members representing the staff of Caisse des dépôts et consignations and its subsidiaries, elected for three years by and from among the members representing staff on the joint information and consultation committee provided for inarticle 34 of law no. 96-452 of 28 May 1996 on various health, social and statutory measures, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree by the Conseil d’Etat. These procedures guarantee the appointment of one woman and one man.
The proportion of commissaires surveillants of each sex may not be less than 40%. Any appointment that fails to comply with this provision or does not have the effect of remedying such non-compliance is null and void. This nullity does not entail the nullity of the deliberations in which the unlawfully appointed supervisory commissioner took part.