The storage receipt takes the form of an entry in a register kept by the manager of the platform mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 522-37-1 and under its responsibility. This entry specifies the name, profession and address of the holder of the receipt as well as the nature of the goods deposited and the information needed to establish their identity and determine their replacement value.
The transfer of ownership of goods represented by a storage receipt results from the entry in the register of the name of the purchaser as the holder of the receipt.
When the goods represented by a storage receipt are handed over to their owner, the receipt is removed from the register.
In order to enable it to carry out the necessary checks as part of its downstream activity granted to items created by cereal collectors pursuant to article L. 666-2 du code rural et de la pêche maritime, the establishment mentioned in article L. 621-1 of the same code is authorised to receive communication of personal data collected by the platform manager mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 522-37-1 of this code.