By way of derogation from article L. 5221-2, the following are not subject to the condition laid down in 2° of the same article L. 5221-2:
1° Foreign nationals who enter France in order to work for a period of less than or equal to three months in a field on a list determined by decree;
2° A foreign practitioner who holds a diploma, certificate or other qualification entitling him/her to practice in the country in which the diploma, certificate or qualification was obtained, upon presentation of the decision of the Minister of Health to assign him/her to a health establishment, as provided for in articles L. 4111-2 and L. 4221-12 of the Public Health Code, as well as, on a transitional basis, the doctors, dental surgeons, midwives and pharmacists mentioned inarticle 83 of law no. 2006-1640 of 21 December 2006 on the financing of social security for 2007, on presentation of the decision by the Minister of Health to assign them to a health establishment, as provided for in the same article 83.