In the cases mentioned in articles L. 5312-1, L. 5312-2 and L. 5312-3, and in all cases where the interests of public health so require, the health authorities shall, if necessary, inform the general public and health professionals by any means and in particular by disseminating health messages or product recall notices using any appropriate medium.
The Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé shall set up a specific monitoring and alert system aimed at preventing, through the implementation of appropriate information measures, medicinal products likely to present a danger to health, in particular when they are suspected of being falsified or affected by quality defects, from being made available to patients.
The measures taken under the two preceding paragraphs and their cost shall, where applicable, be borne by the natural or legal person responsible for placing the product or products concerned on the market, putting them into service or using them.