The employers mentioned in article L. 5424-1 are responsible for managing the insurance allowance. They may, by agreement with Pôle emploi, on behalf of the body mentioned in article L. 5427-1, entrust it with this management.
However, the following may join the insurance scheme
1° Employers mentioned in 2° of article L. 5424-1 ;
2° By irrevocable option, the employers mentioned in 3°, 4°, 4° bis, 6° and 7° of the same article;
3° For their non-tenured employees, public higher education establishments and public scientific and technological establishments;
4° For educational assistants, the educational establishments mentioned in article L. 916-1 of the Education Code.
Companies in the professional branch of the electricity and gas industries subject to the national statute for personnel in the electricity and gas industries, which were members of the unemployment insurance scheme provided for by articles L. 5422-1 et seq. before they became subject to the national statute, as well as new companies, are considered to have exercised the irrevocable option mentioned in 2°.