Subject to more stringent provisions, the persons referred to in Article L. 561-2 shall keep, for a period of five years from the closure of their accounts or the termination of their relations with them, the documents and information, in whatever medium, relating to their business relations or occasional customers, as well as the due diligence measures implemented. They shall also keep, within the limits of their remit, for a period of five years from the date of execution, in any medium, the documents and information relating to the transactions carried out by them, as well as the documents recording the characteristics of the transactions referred to in Article L. 561-10-2.
Without prejudice to the obligations mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article, the persons mentioned in 1°, 1° ter and 1° quater of Article L. 561-2 shall collect the information and technical data relating to the activation, loading and use of electronic money by means of a physical medium and shall keep them for a period of five years from the execution of these operations.