The joint association referred to in article L. 1231-10 of the Transport Code may levy a payment intended to finance mobility services in an urban area of at least 50,000 inhabitants and in the multipolarised communes of large urban areas, as defined by the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, provided that this union includes at least the main authority responsible for organising mobility. The conditions of liability, collection and reimbursement of this payment are identical to those set out in articles L. 2333-64 to L. 2333-75 of this code.
The rate of this payment may not exceed 0.5%. In the territorial jurisdiction of a mobility organising authority, this rate is, where applicable, raised to zero or reduced so that the total of this rate and the maximum rate that may be instituted by the competent authority under article L. 2333-67 does not exceed the maximum rate that would be authorised under this same article in the jurisdiction that would coincide with the urban area and the multipolarised municipalities concerned by the syndicate’s levy.
The joint association referred to in article L. 1231-10 of the Transport Code may, in addition, by reasoned decision, reduce or set at zero the rate of the payment, within the boundaries of the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation that make it up, according to a criterion that it determines on the basis of population density and fiscal potential as defined in article L. 2334-4 of this code. The reduction in the rate is in proportion to the difference noted, based on this criterion, between the different perimeters of the establishments making up the syndicate.