For the application of the provisions of Part Five in French Polynesia and except where otherwise provided:
1° The words: “representative of the State in the department”, “representative of the State in the department of the seat of the establishment”, “representative of the State in the department of the seat of the dissolved establishment” and “representative of the State in the department of the seat of the syndicate” are replaced by the words: “haut-commissaire de la République”;
2° The words: “du ou des représentants de l’Etat” are replaced by the words: “du haut-commissaire de la République”;
3° The words: “of the representative(s) of the State in the department(s)” and “of the representative(s) of the State in the department(s) concerned” are replaced by the words: “of the High Commissioner of the Republic”;
4° The reference to the departmental commission for inter-municipal cooperation is replaced by the reference to the commission for inter-municipal cooperation of French Polynesia;
5° The words: “chambre régionale des comptes” are replaced by the words: “chambre territoriale des comptes”;
6° The words: “décret en Conseil d’Etat” are replaced by the word: “décret” except in Article L. 5216-9.
7° The words: “conseiller communautaire” and “conseillers communautaires” are replaced, respectively, by the words: “délégué des communes” and “délégués des communes”.