If they are entered into by legal persons governed by public law, the contracts covered by this Code are administrative contracts, subject to those mentioned in Book V of Part Two and Book II of Part Three. The contracts mentioned in these books, entered into by legal entities governed by public law, may be administrative contracts by virtue of their subject matter or clauses.
As such :
1° The contracting authority exercises a power of control over the performance of the contract, in accordance with the procedures laid down by this Code, specific provisions or the contract;
2° Contracts whose purpose is the performance of a public service comply with the principle of continuity of the public service;
3° In the event of an unforeseeable event outside the control of the parties, which temporarily upsets the balance of the contract, the other contracting party, who continues to perform the contract, is entitled to compensation;
4° The contracting authority may unilaterally modify the contract in accordance with the conditions set out in this code, without upsetting the balance of the contract. The other party to the contract is entitled to compensation, subject to the terms of the contract;
5° The contracting authority may unilaterally terminate the contract under the conditions set out in this code. Where termination occurs for a reason of general interest, the co-contractor is entitled to compensation, subject to the stipulations of the contract.