Lifelong vocational training is a national obligation. Its aim is to enable everyone, regardless of their status, to acquire and update the knowledge and skills that will help them develop professionally, and to progress to at least one level of qualification during their working life. It is a key factor in securing career paths and promoting employees. A coordinated national strategy is defined and implemented by the State, the regions and the social partners, under the conditions set out in 2° of article L. 6123-1. This strategy is implemented in each region within the framework of the regional committee for employment, training and vocational guidance.
It includes initial training, in particular apprenticeships, and subsequent training, which constitutes continuing vocational training, intended for adults and young people who are already in working life or who are entering it.
In addition, everyone is entitled to have their professional and other experience validated.
In order to promote access to lifelong vocational training, from the moment they enter the labour market until retirement, regardless of their status, everyone has a personal training account which contributes to the acquisition of a first level of qualification or to the development of their skills and qualifications by enabling them, on their own initiative, to benefit from training.
The account may be supplemented by other training schemes to which its holder is entitled.