In carrying out the tasks referred to in 4° of II of Article L. 612-1, the college of supervisors and the college of resolution shall take into account the nature of the activities of the entity concerned, the composition of its shareholders, its legal form, its risk profile, its size, its legal status and its interconnection with other institutions or with the financial system in general, the scope and complexity of its activities, its membership of an institutional protection system that meets the requirements of paragraph 7 of Article 113 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 or other cooperative mutual solidarity systems provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 113 of that Regulation and the fact that it provides investment services within the meaning of Article L. 321-1.
They shall also take into account the potential impact of their decisions in the Member States of the European Union where the person concerned is present and shall endeavour to reduce as far as possible their negative effects on financial stability and their harmful economic and social repercussions in the Member States concerned.
The resolution college shall endeavour to minimise the cost of resolution and the potential negative economic and social effects of its decisions and to avoid the destruction of value unless the pursuit of public interest objectives so requires.