I. – Where the supervisory board is the competent authority to supervise the entity party to the agreement considering granting its support, it may authorise, prohibit or restrict the scope of a support decision referred to in Article L. 613-46-4 within five working days of receiving the decision.
II. – The supervisory board shall immediately notify its decision to :
1° The European Banking Authority ;
2° Where applicable, the authority responsible for the supervision on a consolidated basis of the group to which the entity party to the agreement granting its support belongs;
3° Where applicable, the authority competent to supervise the entity party to the agreement receiving support.
III. – The support may be granted as soon as it has been authorised, taking into account any restrictions that may have been imposed.
The entity party to the agreement which grants the support shall inform the persons referred to in III of Article L. 613-46-4.
IV. – Where the college of supervisors is also responsible for the supervision on a consolidated basis of the group to which the entity party to the agreement granting its support belongs, it shall immediately forward to the other members of the college of supervisors referred to in Article L. 613-20-2 and to the other members of the college of resolution authorities the decisions it takes pursuant to I and the information it receives pursuant to III.