The president of the administrative court or the magistrate appointed for this purpose may travel to the seat of the judicial court closest to the place where the foreign national is located if the latter is placed or kept in detention.
If a courtroom allocated to the Ministry of Justice enabling him/her to rule publicly has been specially set up in the immediate vicinity of this place of detention, he/she may rule in this room. When the hearing is held in this courtroom, the judge may also sit in the court of which he or she is a member, the courtrooms being linked live by an audiovisual means of communication guaranteeing the confidentiality of the transmission. The hearing room located near the place of detention and that of the administrative court are open to the public.
The hearing is public. It takes place without any conclusions from the public rapporteur, in the presence of the person concerned, unless the latter, duly summoned, does not appear. The foreign national is assisted by his or her counsel if he or she has one. He may ask the president of the administrative court or the magistrate appointed for this purpose to appoint one for him ex officio.