I.-The region may contribute to the financing of apprentice training centres where this is justified by regional planning and economic development needs that it identifies. It may :
1° With regard to operating costs, increase the funding of apprenticeship contracts provided by skills operators, under the conditions set out in article L. 6332-14 ;
2° For capital expenditure, pay grants.
II-The amount of operating and investment expenditure committed and mandated, as mentioned in I of this article, as well as a detailed statement of their allocation, are the subject of an annual debate in the Regional Council on the basis of a report presented by the President of the Regional Council. This debate may also cover other expenditure incurred by the region in relation to apprenticeships. The report, which includes an appendix showing the amounts of expenditure committed and mandated and a detailed statement of their allocation, is sent for information to the State representative in the region and to France Compétences. The resources allocated to the region for the capital expenditure referred to in 2° of the same I are determined and distributed on the basis of the capital expenditure recorded for the 2017 and 2018 financial years.
III – The expenditure mentioned in II falls within the scope of the regional plan for the development of vocational training and guidance mentioned in article L. 214-13 of the Education Code. To this end, they may be the subject of agreements on objectives and resources with skills operators acting on behalf of member branches.