The following may not directly or indirectly hold a fraction of the share capital of a company operating a private medical biology laboratory
1° A natural or legal person practising a health profession other than that of medical biologist, a supplier, distributor or manufacturer of medical devices or in vitro diagnostic medical devices, a health, social or medico-social establishment governed by private law, an insurance or capitalisation company, or a compulsory or optional provident, pension or social protection organisation;
2° A natural or legal person who holds 10% or more of the share capital of a company supplying, distributing or manufacturing medical devices or in vitro diagnostic medical devices, an insurance and capitalisation company or a compulsory or optional provident, retirement and social protection organisation;
3° A natural or legal person who holds, directly or indirectly, a fraction of the share capital of a company of healthcare professionals authorised to take samples under the conditions mentioned in article L. 6211-13 and who do not satisfy the conditions of chapter II of title I of this book.