I.-The apprenticeship tax referred to in article L. 6241-1 is based on income from activities used to calculate the basis of assessment for the social security contributions referred to inarticle L. 242-1 of the Social Security Code andarticle L. 741-10 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.
However, the remuneration paid to apprentices by employers with fewer than eleven employees, in accordance with the procedures set out in I ofarticle L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code, is exempt from the apprenticeship tax.
II – The rate of apprenticeship tax is set at 0.68%.
However, this rate is set at 0.44% for establishments located in the Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle departments, regardless of where the company’s main establishment is located. The tax is paid under the conditions laid down in Article L. 6261-2.
III – For the purposes of calculating the tax, the amount of the contribution and the base declared are rounded in accordance with the provisions of article L. 133-10 of the Social Security Code.