In addition to the powers conferred on them by this title, the mission of the administrator or administrators shall be determined by the court.
The latter shall charge them together or separately to assist the debtor in all or certain acts relating to the management, or to ensure alone, wholly or in part, the administration of the business. Where the administrator or administrators are responsible for the administration of the business alone and in full and where each of the thresholds mentioned in the fourth paragraph of Article L. 621-4 is reached, the court appoints one or more experts to assist them in their management mission. In other cases, the court may appoint its own experts. The president of the court determines the remuneration of these experts, which is charged to the proceedings.
In his mission, the administrator is bound to respect the legal and conventional obligations incumbent on the debtor.
At any time, the court may modify the administrator’s mission at the request of the administrator, the judicial representative, the public prosecutor or ex officio.
The administrator operates, under his signature, the bank or postal accounts held by the debtor when the latter has been subject to the prohibitions provided for in articles L. 131-72 or L. 163-6 of the Monetary and Financial Code.