The public service mission of permanence of care is carried out, in collaboration with health establishments, by the doctors mentioned inarticle L. 162-5 of the Social Security Code, as part of their self-employed activity, and in articles L. 162-5-10 and L. 162-32-1 of the same code, under the conditions defined in article L. 1435-5 of this code. Any other doctor who has retained a clinical practice is entitled to contribute in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by contract with the regional health agency. Army practitioners may contribute to the public service mission of permanent care, in particular to telephone regulation, in accordance with procedures laid down by decree.
The director general of the regional health agency shall provide the representative of the State in the department with the information that will enable the latter to requisition any practitioners that may be required for the implementation of the first paragraph.
Telephone regulation of outpatient emergency care is accessible free of charge via a national emergency care number or the national emergency medical assistance number. In application of article L. 1435-5, the director general of the regional health agency determines, for the region, which of the two numbers is used for outpatient emergency care. When he chooses the urgent medical assistance number, access to the outpatient emergency hotline remains accessible via the national emergency hotline number. This service is coordinated with emergency psychiatric services.
Telephone dispatching can also be accessed via the numbers of associations providing outpatient care with call platforms interconnected with the emergency medical assistance dispatching access number, as long as these platforms provide medical call dispatching.
For the fulfilment of the public service mission of permanent care, specific prescription conditions are set by regulation.
The dental surgeons, midwives and state-qualified nurses mentioned in article L. 162-9 of the Social Security Code, in the context of their self-employed activity, and in articles L. 162-12 and L. 162-32-1 of the same code, are called upon to contribute to the public duty of on-call care under the conditions defined in article L. 1435-5 of the present code. Any other dental surgeon, midwife or nurse who has retained the practice of his or her profession is entitled to contribute, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by contract with the regional health agency. The implementing measures for this paragraph, in particular the remuneration arrangements for the healthcare professionals concerned, are laid down by decree.