Except in the case of a duly substantiated threat to public order, foreign nationals residing outside France who have obtained the repeal of the expulsion decision against them are granted a visa to return to France, if, on the date of the expulsion decision, they were, subject to the reservations set out in these articles, in the categories mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° of article L. 631-3 and fall within the scope of articles L. 423-1 or L. 423-7 or Chapter IV of Title III of Book IV.
When they have been convicted in France of violence or threats against an ascendant, spouse or child, the right to a visa is subject to the agreement of the ascendants, spouse and children living in France.
This article only applies to foreign nationals who were subject to a deportation order before the entry into force of the loi n° 2003-1119 du 26 novembre 2003 relative à la maîtrise de l’immigration, au séjour des étrangers en France et à la nationalité.