In application of article LO 6371-5, a global grant for school construction and equipment is instituted in order to contribute to compensating for the net increases in charges for the collectivity of Saint-Martin resulting from the transfer of powers to it.
In 2008, its amount is 2,653,706 euros. This amount corresponds to the average annual amount of funding allocated by the Guadeloupe region to the lycée on Saint-Martin and by the Guadeloupe department to the collèges on Saint-Martin between 1997 and 2006 inclusive; this amount incorporates indexation following the application of the growth rate for gross fixed capital formation of general government associated with the 2007 and 2008 Finance Bills.
In 2009, the amount allocated to the local authority of Saint-Martin is equivalent to that for 2008.
In 2010, the rate used for indexation of the allocation accruing to the territorial authority of Saint-Martin is 1.2%.
From 2011, the amount allocated to the territorial collectivity of Saint-Martin is equivalent to that of 2010.
The global grant for school construction and equipment is paid in a single instalment at the end of the third quarter of the current year.
The grant is entered in the budget of the overseas collectivity of Saint-Martin, which allocates it to the reconstruction, major repairs, equipment and extension of the lycée and collèges located on its territory and to the construction of new lycées or collèges.