Except in the case of a duly substantiated threat to public order, foreign nationals residing outside France who have been relieved of their French disqualification sentences or whose French disqualification sentences have been fully enforced or have become null and void are granted a visa to return to France, if, on the date the sentence was handed down, they fell within the categories mentioned in 1° to 4° of article 131-30-2 of the Criminal Code, subject to the reservations mentioned in this article, and if they fall within the scope of articles L. 423-1 or L. 423-7 or Chapter IV of Title III of Book IV.
When they have been convicted in France of violence or threats against an ascendant, spouse or child, the right to a visa is subject to the agreement of the ascendants, spouse and children living in France.
The provisions of this article shall only apply to foreign nationals who have been subject to a ban from French territory that became definitive before the entry into force of Act no. 2003-1119 of 26 November 2003 relating to immigration control, the residence of foreign nationals in France and nationality.