The judgment opening the judicial liquidation has the same effects as those provided for in the case of safeguard by the first and third paragraphs of I and by III of Article L. 622-7, by the articles L. 622-21 and L. 622-22, by the first sentence of article L. 622-28 and by l’article L. 622-30.
The official receiver may authorise the liquidator or the administrator where one has been appointed to pay claims predating the judgment, to withdraw the pledge or the thing legitimately retained or to exercise the purchase option on a leasing contract.
When the directors of the debtor legal entity fail to comply with their obligations to close and approve the annual accounts, the liquidator may refer the matter to the president of the court for the appointment of an ad hoc representative.
Creditors declare their claims to the liquidator in accordance with the procedures set out in articles L. 622-24 to L. 622-27 and L. 622-31 to L. 622-33. If the determination of the tax base and calculation of the tax is in progress, the final establishment of the claims of the Public Treasury admitted on a provisional basis must be made by issuing the enforcement order within the period provided for in Article L. 624-1. However, if a tax audit or rectification procedure has been initiated, the final establishment of the claims that are the subject of the procedure must be completed before the liquidator files his end-of-assignment report with the court clerk’s office. The time limit for this final establishment is suspended by referral to one of the commissions or the committee mentioned in Article L. 59 of the tax procedures book until the date of receipt by the taxpayer or his representative of the opinion of this commission or that of a withdrawal.