Territorial chambers of commerce and industry are created by decree on the basis of the master plan mentioned in 2° of article L. 711-8. The deed of creation determines the district of the chamber and its registered office, as well as the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which it is attached. Any changes are made in the same way.
The territorial chamber of commerce and industry located within the perimeter of a metropolis, as defined by the General Code of Local Authorities, may take the name of metropolitan chamber of commerce and industry. It then replaces the pre-existing territorial chamber of commerce and industry. In accordance with the guidelines laid down by the competent regional chamber of commerce and industry and within the framework of regional sectoral plans, the metropolitan chamber of commerce and industry shall have priority over the powers laid down for territorial chambers of commerce and industry in article L. 710-1 to lead the economic, industrial and commercial life of the catchment area corresponding to its constituency, without prejudice to the powers devolved to the local authorities. It may act as an economic development agency for the metropolitan area.
Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph, the metropolitan chamber of commerce and industry is governed by the provisions relating to territorial chambers of commerce and industry.
The territorial and departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France may carry out experiments which must be consistent with the regional strategy referred to in 1° of article L. 711-8. The terms and conditions of this experimentation are defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The territorial chambers of commerce and industry are attached to the regional chambers of commerce and industry.
At the initiative of the regional chamber of commerce and industry other than the Ile-de-France region or at their own initiative, territorial chambers of commerce and industry may be combined into a single territorial chamber within the framework of the master plans mentioned in 2° of the same article L. 711-8. They disappear within the new territorial chamber or may become delegations of the newly formed territorial chamber, in which case they no longer have the status of a public establishment.
If the territorial chambers of commerce and industry are located in the same département or in départements included in one and the same region, the new chamber resulting from their merger is then attached to the regional chamber of commerce and industry with territorial jurisdiction. If they are located in adjoining departments falling within several regions, the new chamber resulting from their union is attached to the regional chamber of commerce and industry agreed between them or, in the absence of agreement, to the region where the territorial chamber with the greatest economic weight, measured by the economic study for which the conditions are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, is located.