The regional chambers of commerce and industry oversee and support the activities of the Ile-de-France territorial and departmental chambers attached to them. They define a regional strategy for the network’s activity in their constituency, compatible with the regional scheme for economic development, innovation and internationalisation provided for in article L. 4251-13 of the general code for local authorities. The compatibility of this strategy with this plan is guaranteed by the signing of the agreements provided for in article L. 4251-18 du même code. Under conditions defined by decree, the regional chambers of commerce and industry carry out their activity by making the most of the skills existing in the territorial chambers of commerce and industry or in the departmental chambers of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France in their constituency.
As such, they:
1° Draw up and vote on, by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented, the regional strategy and the regional scheme for the organisation of missions enforceable against the chambers of commerce and industry in their constituency, as well as, each year, by a majority of the members present or represented, the budget required to implement this strategy and scheme ;
2° Establish, under conditions set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, a binding master plan that defines the number and constituency of the local and departmental territorial chambers of Ile-de-France in their constituency, taking into account the organisation of the local authorities in terms of economic development and planning, the economic viability and usefulness of the territorial chambers for their members, and the maintenance of local business support services in the departments and economic areas ;
3° Adopt, in areas of activity or facilities defined by decree, sectoral plans intended to provide a framework for the projects of the territorial chambers of commerce and industry;
4° Distribute among the chambers of commerce and industry attached to them the proceeds of the taxes they receive, after deduction of their own share. This distribution is made in accordance with the agreement on objectives and resources referred to in article L. 712-2 of this code, the sectoral plans, the regional plan for the organisation of missions and must enable each chamber of commerce and industry to carry out its local missions;
5° Under conditions determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, recruit staff under private law and assign them to the territorial chambers of commerce and industry; make public employees available to the territorial chambers of commerce and industry, including those subject to the status provided for by the loi n° 52-1311 du 10 décembre 1952 relative à l’établissement obligatoire d’un statut du personnel administratif des chambres d’agriculture, des chambres de commerce et des chambres de métiers, après avis de leur président; gérerent leur situation conventionnelle et contractuelle ou statutaire. The remuneration costs of staff made available in this way constitute compulsory expenditure for the territorial chambers of commerce and industry and are revenue for the regional chambers of commerce and industry concerned;
6° Provide, for the benefit of the territorial chambers of commerce and industry attached to them, support and back-up functions as well as any other tasks that may be subject to pooling and appear in the regional task organisation plan, under conditions and in areas specified by decree in the Conseil d’Etat ;
7° Supplement, under conditions and within limits defined by decree, the budget, over and above the voted budget, of a territorial and departmental chamber of commerce and industry of Ile-de-France that is attached to them to meet exceptional expenses or deal with special circumstances;
8° May award contracts or framework agreements on their own behalf or, in their district, on behalf of all or some of the chambers in the network. They may act as a central purchasing body within the meaning of the Public Procurement Code on behalf of the territorial or departmental chambers in their area;
9° Establish, after each general renewal, with the regional chambers of trades and crafts, a plan of actions intended to be pooled in the interests of the businesses in their area.