Public establishments in the network are required to appoint at least one statutory auditor and, when the conditions defined in the second paragraph of I of article L. 823-1 are present, an alternate chosen from the list referred to in Article L. 822-1, who shall perform their duties under the conditions laid down by the provisions of Books II and VIII subject to the rules specific to them. The Statutory Auditors, appointed in accordance with the provisions of the French Public Procurement Code, are appointed by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the Chairman. The conditions under which each establishment in the network publishes and forwards to the supervisory authority a balance sheet, income statement and notes are determined by regulation.
The penalties provided for by article L. 242-8 are applicable to managers who have not drawn up a balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes to the accounts each year.
The regional chambers of commerce and industry to which territorial chambers of commerce and industry are attached draw up and publish combined accounts each year in accordance with the legislative and regulatory provisions in force. These accounts are sent to CCI France.