In particular, articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3, the following acts or uses:
1° Affixing the sign to the goods or to their packaging;
2° Offering the goods, placing them on the market or holding them for those purposes under the sign, or offering or providing services under the sign;
3° Importing or exporting the goods under the sign ;
4° The use of the sign as a trade name or company name or as part of a trade name or company name;
5° The use of the sign in business papers and advertising;
6° The use of the sign in comparative advertising in breach of the provisions of Articles L. 122-1 to L. 122-7 of the Consumer Code;
7° The removal or alteration of a duly affixed trademark.
These acts and uses are prohibited even if they are accompanied by words such as: “formula, manner, system, imitation, genre, method”.