1° The name thereof;
2° The product concerned;
3° The delimitation of the associated geographical area or specific place;
4° The quality, reputation, traditional know-how or other characteristics which the product concerned possesses and which may be essentially attributed to that geographical area or specific place, as well as the elements establishing the link between the product and the associated geographical area or specific place;
5° A description of the development, production and processing process, including the production or processing operations that must take place in the geographical area or specific place as well as those that guarantee the characteristics mentioned in 4° ;
6° The identity of the defence and management body, its articles of association, the list of initial operators it represents and the financial arrangements for their participation;
7° The arrangements and frequency of controls, the type of body referred to in Article L. 721-9 in charge of carrying them out, as well as the arrangements for financing these inspections. The arrangements include in particular the points at which the product and specific elements of the labelling are checked;
8° The reporting or record-keeping obligations with which operators must comply in order to enable verification of compliance with the specifications;
9° The arrangements for giving formal notice to and excluding operators in the event of non-compliance with the specifications ;
10° The provisional financing of the defence and management body;
11° The specific elements of labelling;
12° Where applicable, the social and environmental commitments made by the operators grouped within the defence and management body.