In accordance with the guidelines defined in Article L. 750-1, the Government shall ensure the balanced development of the various forms of commerce by contributing to the revitalisation of local commerce by means of the aid provided for in the article 4 de la loi n° 89-1008 du 31 décembre 1989 relative au développement des entreprises commerciales et artisanales et à l’amélioration de leur environnement économique, juridique et social.
Operations eligible for aid from the services, craft industries and commerce intervention fund are intended to encourage the creation, maintenance, modernisation, adaptation, in particular for work to bring establishments open to the public up to standard and business safety, or the transfer of local businesses, to bolster sedentary and non-sedentary commerce, particularly in rural areas, mountain areas, market halls and markets and in priority neighbourhoods for urban policy.
The operations, beneficiaries and eligible expenditure are defined by decree. This decree also sets out the procedures for selecting operations and the nature, rate and amount of aid awarded.