I.- Statutory auditors registered on the list referred to in I of Article L. 822-1 are subject to a contribution based on the total amount of fees they invoiced during the previous calendar year to the persons or entities whose accounts they certify. The rate of this contribution, determined by decree, is between 0.5% and 0.7%.
II.- Statutory auditors registered on the list mentioned in I of Article L. 822-1 are also subject to a contribution based on the total amount of fees they invoiced during the previous calendar year to the public interest entities whose accounts they certify. The rate of this contribution, determined by decree, is between 0.2% and 0.3%.
III -The contributions referred to in I and II are payable on 31 March each year. They shall be paid to the accounting agent of the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes.
IV -The Haut Conseil may delegate, by agreement approved by order of the Minister of Justice, to the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes the collection of the dues provided for in this article. In this case, the revenue collected by the Compagnie Nationale on behalf of the Haut Conseil will be the subject of separate accounts tracking all transactions relating to this agreement. They are paid into a specific account and may not be invested by the Compagnie Nationale. The Compagnie Nationale will provide the Haut Conseil with information enabling it to check the accuracy of the sums paid to it. The Haut Conseil alone remains competent to initiate forced recovery actions for unpaid contributions.