Without prejudice to articles L. 8222-1 to L. 8222-3, any legal entity governed by public law that has entered into a contract with a company, informed in writing by a monitoring officer of the irregular situation of this company with regard to the formalities mentioned in articles L. 8221-3 and L. 8221-5, immediately enjoins this company to put an end to this situation without delay.
The company so ordered shall provide the public entity, within a period of two months, with proof that it has put an end to the unlawful situation. Failing this, the contract may be terminated without compensation, at the contractor’s expense and risk.
The legal person governed by public law shall inform the officer who issued the alert of the action taken by the company in response to the injunction.
In the event of failure to comply with the obligations arising from the first and third paragraphs of this article or, in the event of continuation of the contract, if proof of the end of the criminal situation has not been provided within six months of the formal notice, the legal entity governed by public law is jointly and severally liable with its co-contractor for payment of the sums mentioned in 1° to 3° of article L. 8222-2, under the conditions set out in article L. 8222-3.