I.-The persons mentioned in II of Article L. 824-1 shall be liable to the following penalties:
1° A ban for a period not exceeding three years from exercising administrative or management functions within public interest entities and from exercising the functions of statutory auditor;
2° The payment, as a pecuniary penalty, of a sum not exceeding the following amounts:
a) For the natural persons mentioned in 1° and 3° of II of Article L. 824-1, the sum of €50,000;
b) For the natural persons mentioned in 2° and 4° of II of Article L. 824-1, the sum of €250,000;
c) For the legal persons mentioned in 1°, 3° and 4° of II of Article L. 824-1, the sum of €500,000;
d) For the legal persons mentioned in 2° of II of Article L. 824-1, the greater of the following sums:
-one million euros;
-where the breach occurs in the context of an assurance engagement, the annual average of the fees invoiced in respect of the financial year during which the breach was committed and the two financial years preceding it, by the statutory auditor to the legal entity concerned or, failing this, the amount of the fees invoiced by the statutory auditor to the legal entity concerned in respect of the financial year during which the breach was committed.
e) For the persons mentioned in 5° of II of Article L. 824-1 double the amount of the benefit derived from the offence or, where it is not possible to determine this, the sum of one million euros.
In the event of a repeated breach within five years of the date on which the financial penalty previously imposed became final, the amount of the financial penalty imposed may not exceed twice the amounts mentioned in a, b, c and d.
The sums shall be paid to the Treasury.
II.-The penalties provided for in I may be suspended in whole or in part. If, within a period of five years from the date on which the sanction was imposed, the person sanctioned commits a breach leading to the imposition of a new sanction, this new sanction will, unless a reasoned decision is taken, lead to the enforcement of the first sanction without any possible confusion with the second.
III.-In the event of a breach of the provisions of Sections 3 to 6 of Chapter I of Title VI of Book V of the Monetary and Financial Code, the persons referred to in 5° of II of Article L. 824-1 may be ordered to cease the conduct constituting the breach.