The sums due to the foreign national not authorised to work, in the cases provided for in 1° to 3° of article L. 8252-2, are paid to him/her by the employer within thirty days of the offence being detected. When the foreign national is placed in administrative detention pursuant to articles L. 740-1 or L. 751-8 of the Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile (Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreign Nationals and the Right of Asylum) or placed under house arrest pursuant to articles L. 731-1 or L. 751-2 of the same code or when he is no longer on national territory, these sums are deposited within the same timeframe with an organisation designated for this purpose, then paid back to the foreign national.
If the employer does not fulfil the obligations mentioned in the first paragraph, the body will recover the sums due on behalf of the foreign national.
The procedures for applying the provisions relating to the deposit, recovery and repayment of sums due to foreign nationals not authorised to work and the procedures for informing them of their rights are specified by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.