For the application of Section 3 of Chapter III of Title II of Book VII, the following provisions are added:
I. – To the list of candidates declared elected, the committee provided for by Article L. 723-13 shall append a supplementary list containing the names, positions and residences of the candidates not elected. These candidates are ranked in descending order of the number of votes they obtained. In the event of a tie, they are ranked in descending order of age.
The candidates on the supplementary list drawn up pursuant to the first paragraph of this article are called upon to replace judges whose seats become vacant for any reason whatsoever. They are appointed in the order of the supplementary list by the President of the Tribunal Mixte de Commerce. Before taking up their duties, they take an oath under the conditions laid down for judges of the mixed commercial courts.
II. – If the vacant seats cannot be filled pursuant to I and if the number of vacancies exceeds one third of the number of members of the court, supplementary elections are held. The same applies in the event of an increase in the number of members of a mixed commercial court.
However, there is no need to hold supplementary elections in the twelve months preceding the general election.
III. – The term of office of the judges designated or elected pursuant to I and II ends at the same time as that of the other judges of the mixed commercial courts.