Before the expiry of the period set for the experiment and in the light of its evaluation, the law shall determine, where appropriate:
– the conditions for extending or modifying the experimentation for a period that may not exceed three years;
– the continuation and generalisation of the measures taken on an experimental basis;
– the continuation of the measures taken on an experimental basis in the territorial authorities that took part in the experimentation, or in some of them, and their extension to other territorial authorities, with due respect for the principle of equality;
– the abandonment of the experimentation.
The law may also amend the provisions governing the exercise of the competence that was the subject of the experimentation.
The tabling of a proposal or bill having one of the effects mentioned in the second to fourth paragraphs or in the fifth paragraph extends this experimentation until the final adoption of the law, up to a maximum of one year from the term provided for in the law that authorised the experimentation. Mention is made of this extension in the Official Journal.
Except in the cases provided for in the penultimate paragraph, the experiment may not be continued beyond the term set by the law that organised it.