Where, in the course of a dispute before a court or tribunal, a party raises a serious plea that an act referred to in Article LO 6251-2 with the Constitution, the organic laws, France’s international commitments or the general principles of law, and that this question affects the outcome of the dispute or the validity of the procedure, or constitutes the basis for the prosecution, the court shall immediately refer the question to the Conseil d’Etat in a decision that is not subject to appeal. The Conseil d’Etat gives its ruling within three months. When it refers the question to the Conseil d’Etat, the court stays the proceedings. It may, however, decide otherwise in cases where the law requires it, on grounds of urgency, to give a ruling. In all cases, it may take the necessary emergency or precautionary measures. Refusal to refer the matter to the Conseil d’Etat is not subject to appeal independently of the decision deciding all or part of the dispute.