The following provisions of this code in force on the date of promulgation of the loi organique n° 2007-223 du 21 février 2007 précitée:
1° Première partie : livre Ier (titre unique : chapitres Ier, III et IV) ; livre VI (chapitre IV du titre Ier et titre II) ;
2° Cinquième partie : livres IV, VI et VII.
For the application of these provisions to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon:
– the reference to the départements, the regions, the territorial collectivity or the territorial collectivities is replaced by the reference to the territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon;
– the reference to the regional council is replaced by the reference to the territorial council;
– the reference to the president of the regional council is replaced by the reference to the president of the territorial council.