When the closure of the local authority’s accounts shows a deficit equal to or greater than 5% in the implementation of the budget, after verification of the accuracy of the revenue and expenditure entries, the territorial audit chamber, referred to by the representative of the State, shall propose to the local authority the measures necessary to re-establish a balanced budget within one month of the referral.
When the local authority’s budget has been subject to the recovery measures provided for in the first paragraph, the State representative forwards the initial budget for the following financial year to the territorial audit chamber.
If, when examining this initial budget, the territorial audit chamber finds that the local authority has not taken sufficient measures to absorb this deficit, it proposes the necessary measures to the State representative within one month of the transmission provided for in the second paragraph. If the State representative departs from the proposals formulated by the territorial audit chamber, he/she shall give explicit reasons for his/her decision.
In the event of implementation of the preceding paragraphs, the procedure provided for in article LO 6471-7 is not applicable.