Where the budget is not voted in real balance, the territorial audit chamber, seized by the representative of the State within thirty days of the transmission provided for in article LO 6451-1, establishes this, proposes to the local authority, within thirty days of the referral, the measures necessary to re-establish a balanced budget and asks the territorial council for a new deliberation.
The new deliberation, rectifying the initial budget, must take place within one month of the communication of the proposals of the territorial audit chamber.
If the Territorial Council does not take a decision within the prescribed timeframe, or if the decision taken does not include corrective measures deemed sufficient by the Territorial Audit Chamber, which takes a decision on this point within fifteen days of the transmission of the new decision, the budget is settled and made enforceable by the representative of the State in the local authority. If the latter departs from the proposals formulated by the territorial audit chamber, he shall give explicit reasons for his decision.