II-1. Automatic financial aid for the production and preparation of feature films
II-1.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for a production investment allowance
(Articles 211-41 et seq.)
I.-Investment approval :
A.-General scheme :
1° A copy of the co-production contract(s) with proof of registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
2° A copy of the contracts of the director and other co-writers of the cinematographic work with proof of their registration in the public film and audiovisual register, as well as any other contract justifying the chain of rights;
3° A synopsis giving precise information on the nature of the subject of the cinematographic work (One page maximum);
4° A provisional “independent work” qualification sheet drawn up in accordance with the provisions of article 13 II of decree no. 2021-1926 of 30 December 2021 relating to the contribution to the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works by terrestrially broadcast television services.
B.-Where the financing of cinematographic works gives rise to the investment of sums entered in the automatic account of the production company or companies:
1° A declaration from the production company or companies certifying that the preferential claims listed in article L. 312-2 of the Code du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée and arising from the production of previous cinematographic works have been paid in full;
2° An investment request from the production company or companies indicating the amount invested and any increases.
C.-Where the financing of cinematographic works gives rise to expenditure contributing to the development of cinematographic production carried out, under the conditions laid down by decree no. 2021-1926 of 30 December 2021 relating to the contribution to the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works by television services broadcast by terrestrial hertzian means, by the operators of television services, with the exception of Arte France Cinéma: a letter by which these operators expressly state their commitment and indicate the nature of their contribution.
D.-Where the financing of cinematographic works gives rise to cash payments made, under the conditions provided for in articles 238 bis HE to 238 bis HM of the General Tax Code, by the companies for the financing of the cinematographic and audiovisual industry:
1° Either a letter of commitment, or the production association contract(s) mentioned in article 238 bis HG of the same code, accompanied by proof of their registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
2° A document certifying that the cinematographic works are independent works with regard to the decisions to approve the capital of companies for the financing of the film and audiovisual industry provided for by article 46 quindecies A of appendix III of the General Tax Code.
II – Production approval :
1° If applicable, a video copy of the final version of the film or a link to it;
2° A certification of the final cost of the film drawn up by an auditor;
When investment approval has been granted :
3° The full credits of the film as they appear on screen;
4° All contracts entered in the public film and audiovisual register not communicated at the time of investment approval (with the exception of deeds of pledge with financial institutions) and, more generally, all contracts making it possible to justify the financing of the work;
5° An “independent work” qualification sheet drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 II of Decree no. 2021-1926 of 30 December 2021 on the contribution to the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works by terrestrially broadcast television services;
6° The contract with a technical service provider to guarantee the security of the material elements of the work and, where applicable, in the case of transfer to a photochemical medium, the corresponding invoice.
7° Detailed receipted invoices for work to create a digital subtitling file for the deaf or hard of hearing and a digital audio description file, as well as work to adapt these files to any digital broadcast medium;
8° In the event of co-production, a letter signed by each of the companies party to the co-production contract indicating the distribution of the sums representing the automatic financial assistance to which they may be entitled for registration on their automatic account and certifying on their honour that this distribution is not and will not be the subject of contractual stipulations likely to affect, directly or indirectly, the distribution resulting from the application of articles 211-36 and 211-37.
Where investment authorisation has not been requested, in addition to the above documents :
9° All contracts entered in the public film and audiovisual register (with the exception of deeds of pledge with financial institutions) and, more generally, all contracts making it possible to prove the financing of the work and the copyright chain.
II-1.2 Supporting documents to be attached to an application for an investment allowance for the preparation of a project
(Articles 211-62 et seq.)
I.-Investment authorisation :
1° The contract(s) for the transfer of authors’ literary and artistic property rights ;
2° The bank details of the account specially opened for the work;
3° A detailed synopsis or screenplay (to be provided only in the case of an application for increased funding).
II – Specific investment authorisation or initial authorisation for certain animated works :
1° The provisional budget for preparation costs, specifying planned expenditure in France ;
2° An estimate of production costs, accompanied, where applicable, by any document justifying that the financing of the production of the work, excluding public financial aid, is confirmed for at least 30% of this estimate;
3° A provisional financing plan;
4° Contracts for the transfer of exploitation rights signed with the authors.
III -Second authorisation for certain animated works :
1° Any document justifying that the financing of the production of the work, excluding public financial aid, is confirmed for at least 30% of the estimate of production costs;
2° In the event of a change, the documents mentioned in 1° to 4° of II.
II-1.3. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for a direct grant for the creation of digital subtitling and audio description files
(Articles 211-87 et seq.)
1° Detailed receipted invoices corresponding to the work involved in creating a digital subtitling file for the deaf or hard of hearing and a digital audio description file, as well as the work involved in adapting these files to any digital broadcast medium;
2° A summary table of all de minimis aid received over the last three tax years by the production company.
II-2. Selective financial aid for the production of long-term cinematographic works
II-2.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for pre-production aid
(Articles 211-98 and following)
I.-Provisional decision :
1° A screenplay of the cinematographic work presented in the form of a dialogue continuity ;
2° In the case of a documentary project, a set of documents such as a statement of intent, texts, location scouting photos and images, a sequence or a non-dialogue continuity covering the following points: the definition of situations, characters and locations; the author’s point of view, the director’s point of view; the challenges of the work, the type and development of the narrative and the dramaturgy envisaged; the formal proposal and the staging device (articulation between archives, interviews, testimonials, visual material, etc.); the production schedule (including the production schedule); the production date; the production date and the duration of the project.) ;
3° A synopsis giving precise information on the nature of the subject of the film (maximum three pages);
4° A curriculum vitae of the author(s), including, if applicable, the director, including their filmography;
5° If applicable, a note containing comments or additional information on the artistic, technical or financial aspects of the film;
6° Where applicable, a video copy of the previous cinematographic or audiovisual work(s);
7° In the case of an animation project, graphic elements of the work.
When the application is submitted by a production company, the file must also include :
8° A copy of the assignment or option contract covering the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s), including, where applicable, the author(s) of the original work;
9° A filmography of the production company.
II – Final award decision :
1° A synopsis giving precise information on the nature of the subject of the cinematographic work ;
2° A detailed estimate ;
3° A provisional financing plan;
4° A copy of the co-production contract(s) with proof of registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
5° A copy of the contracts of the director and other co-writers of the film;
6° A “performers” sheet listing the main and secondary roles, the names of the prospective performers and their nationalities;
7° A “technical creative collaborators” sheet listing the main technicians;
8° A “European work” qualification sheet drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the decree of 21 May 1992 taken for the application of article 6 of decree n° 90-66 of 17 January 1990 laying down the general principles concerning the distribution of cinematographic and audiovisual works.
II-2.2. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for post-production support
(Articles 211-111 and following)
I.-Provisional decision :
1° A letter from the producer countersigned by each of the other production companies party to the co-production contract, stating :
a) The title of the cinematographic work ;
b) The registration number of the cinematographic work in the public film and audiovisual register;
c) The amount of the post-production advance requested and its justification;
d) The technical conditions for the production of the cinematographic work;
e) The company name and registered office of the studios, filming laboratory, rental companies for technical filming equipment, sound post-production companies and image post-production companies used;
2° The filmography of the director of the cinematographic work as well as that of the production company and the distribution company;
3° A synopsis ;
4° An accounting document showing the expenses incurred in France and abroad and indicating the final cost of the film;
5° A “performers” sheet listing the main roles, supporting roles and minor roles, the names of the performers, their nationality and the length of time they have been employed;
6° A “technical creative collaborators” sheet listing the jobs, the names of the technical creative collaborators and their nationality;
7° A work plan indicating in particular the actual number of days of filming in studios and on location, the exact locations where filming will take place and the date on which filming will end;
8° A copy of the contracts of the director and other co-authors of the cinematographic work with proof of their registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
9° A copy of the co-production contract(s) with proof of registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
10° A copy of the contract for the distribution of the cinematographic work in cinemas, with proof of registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
11° A video copy of the film or an internet link to it;
12° A sworn statement that the salaries of the performers, technicians and workers have been paid.
Where investment approval has been granted, the application file also includes :
13° The simplified estimate ;
14° The provisional financing plan.
II – Definitive award decision :
1° A document certified by a chartered accountant indicating the definitive cost of production ;
2° The financing plan dated and signed by the production company.
II-2.3. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for production aid for genre films
(Articles 211-123 et seq.)
1° A screenplay for the film presented in the form of a continuous dialogue;
2° A note of intent from the director, written or filmed, and a production note from the producer;
3° A financial plan and cost estimate for the film;
4° A synopsis (maximum three pages);
5° A curriculum vitae of the authors, including the director, including their filmographies;
6° Where applicable, a video copy of the film or audiovisual work(s) previously produced or a hypertext link to the work(s);
7° A book of visual intentions;
8° In the case of an animation project, graphic elements of the work;
9° A copy of the assignment or option contract covering the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s), including, where applicable, the author(s) of the original work;
10° The filmography of the production company.
II-2.4. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for aid for the creation of original music
(Articles 211-131 et seq.)
1° A joint note of intent from the composer and the director on the musical project, or two notes of intent from the composer and the director. In all cases, each note must be co-signed by the composer and the director;
2° The date on which the composer joined the project;
3° A list of additional music to the original score;
4° A synopsis of the cinematographic work (maximum three pages);
5° Any documents evoking the world of the work (photos, etc.);
6° A curriculum vitae of the director and composer, including a list of previous collaborations, if any;
7° The artistic list;
8° The budget for the film;
9° An estimate for the production of the original music, co-signed by the production company and the composer;
10° The financing plan for the cinematographic work;
11° The filmography of the production company;
12° An audio copy of the composer’s reference works, possibly corresponding to previous collaborations between the composer and the director;
13° If applicable, an audio copy of the original music for the cinematographic work;
14° If applicable, a video copy of the cinematographic work or a video copy of a few sequences from the cinematographic work accompanied by the original music;
15° The investment approval letter;
16° A sworn statement that the production company is financially responsible for creating the original music for the film;
17° A copy of the contract between the production company and the composer;
18° Where applicable, a copy of the contract between the production company and a music publisher or producer who has contributed to the costs of producing the music.
II-2.5. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for aid for the production of works of interest to overseas cultures
(Articles 211-137 et seq.)
1° A screenplay ;
2° A detailed synopsis ;
3° A statement of intent by the director enabling an assessment of the contribution of the work to a better knowledge of the overseas territorial communities, to their enhancement by a wider public or to the promotion of their cultural expressions and/or any document enabling an assessment of the contribution of the work to the training of their residents in cinematographic expression and the film professions;
4° A curriculum vitae of the director;
5° A filmography of the production company;
6° A list of the main actors and technicians involved;
7° An estimate ;
8° A financing plan;
9° A copy of the assignment contract(s) relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s), together with proof of their registration in the public film and audiovisual register, and any contract justifying the chain of rights;
10° Where applicable, any supporting documents relating to the financing of the cinematographic work;
11° For projects to be submitted for approval and depending on the stage of development of the project, European pre-qualification sheet no. 5 and sheets nos. 6 to 11 of the investment approval application form.
II-3. Automatic financial aid for the preparation and development of long-term film projects
II-3.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for a direct grant for the development of projects
(Articles 212-3 et seq.)
1° A short summary (approximately three lines) ;
2° A synopsis of the subject (two pages) ;
3° A letter of intent to develop the project;
4° A curriculum vitae of the director and the author(s);
5° A video copy of the cinematographic work previously produced, giving entitlement to apply;
6° If the project is initiated by several co-writers, a letter of agreement on the distribution of rights for each.
II-4. Selective financial aid for the preparation and development of long-term film projects
II-4.1. Supporting documents to be provided in support of an application for scriptwriting assistance
(Articles 212-19 et seq.)
I.-Provisional decision :
1° A synopsis, developed synopsis or treatment ;
2° A summary (maximum three lines) ;
3° A note of intent from the author(s);
4° A curriculum vitae of the author(s) and director, including their filmography (Highlight the works that make them eligible for writing support);
5° If applicable, a list of the people who will be collaborating on the screenplay (co-authors or consultants);
6° If applicable, a video copy of the previous cinematographic work(s);
7° Where applicable, if the project is adapted from a pre-existing work, a copy of the assignment or option contract relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s) of the original work and/or their successor(s);
8° Possibly, in the case of an animated work project, graphic elements.
II – Final award decision :
1° A letter stating the amount of aid requested;
2° An estimate of the writing costs.
II-4.2. List of festivals taken into account for the award of scriptwriting grants
(Article 212-21)
1° Selection in competition at one of the following festivals in France (category 1):
-Aix-en-Provence: Festival Tout Courts ;
-Alès : Festival Itinérances ;
-Angers : Festival Premiers Plans ;
-Annecy: Festival du Film d’animation ;
-Aubagne: International Film Festival;
-Belfort: Entrevues Festival;
-Brest: European Short Film Festival;
-Brive: Brive Medium Film Festival;
-Caen: 5 jours Tout Court ;
-Cannes: Festival International du Film/ Quinzaine des Réalisateurs/ Semaine Internationale de la Critique;
-Clermont-Ferrand: International Short Film Festival;
-Créteil: International Women’s Film Festival;
-Douarnenez: Film Festival;
-Gardanne: Festival Cinématographique d’Automne;
-Grenoble: Festival du Court Métrage en plein air;
-Lille: Rencontres audiovisuelles;
-Marseille: International Documentary Festival (FID);
-Metz: Rencontres Européennes de Court Métrage;
-Meudon: Festival du Court Métrage d’Humour ;
-Montpellier: International Mediterranean Film Festival;
-Pantin: International Short Film Festival;
-Paris: Cinéma du réel/ Paris tout court;
-Vendôme: Festival Images en Région ;
-Villeurbanne: Short Film Festival;
2° Selected in competition at one of the following foreign festivals (category 1):
a) Spain :
-Bilbao ;
-Barcelona Alternativa ;
-Valencia ;
-Valladolid ;
b) Germany:
-Berlin, Berlinale ;
-Dresden ;
-Oberhausen ;
-Hamburg ;
-Mannheim ;
-Stuttgart, Trickfilm ;
c) Belgium :
-Brussels, Oh, ce court!
-Namur ;
d) Ireland :
-Cork ;
e) Poland :
-Cracow ;
f) Greece :
-Drama ;
g) Portugal :
-Espinho, Cinanima ;
-Vila do Conde ;
-Fundao, Imago ;
h) Switzerland :
-Geneva, Cinéma Tout Écran ;
-Locarno ;
i) Ukraine :
-Kiev, Molodist ;
j) England :
-Leeds ;
k) Australia :
-Melbourne ;
-Sydney, Film Festival;
l) Canada :
-Ottawa ;
-Toronto ;
-Montréal, Nouveau Cinéma ;
m) Denmark :
-Odense ;
n) Italy :
-Rome, Arcipelago ;
-Venice ;
o) Russia :
-Saint Petersburg ;
p) Brazil :
-Rio de Janeiro ;
q) Finland :
-Tampere ;
r) Iran :
-Tehran ;
s) Netherlands:
-Rotterdam, International Film Festival ;
t) Sweden :
-Uppsala ;
u) United States :
-Palm Springs;
-Sundance Festival Films.
II-4.3. Supporting documents to be provided with an application for script rewriting assistance
(Articles 212-29 et seq.)
I.-Provisional decision :
1° A synopsis (maximum three pages) ;
2° A short summary ;
3° A note of intent, specifying the areas of rewriting and, if applicable, the list of people who will be collaborating on the rewriting of the screenplay (co-writers or consultants);
4° A curriculum vitae of the writer(s) and director, including their filmography;
5° If applicable, a video copy of the film or films previously produced;
6° Where applicable, depending on the nature of the work and the medium available, a hard copy or digital file of theatrical, radio or literary works, or a link to these works;
7° Where applicable, if the project is adapted from a pre-existing work, a copy of the assignment or option contract relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s) of the original work and/or their successor(s);
8° Possibly, in the case of an animated work project, graphic elements;
9° The screenplay of the cinematographic work presented in the form of a continuous dialogue.
When the application for rewriting assistance is submitted by a production company, the application file also includes :
10° A note stating the reasons for the application and the estimated cost of the rewriting work ;
11° Proof of any rewriting expenses already incurred;
12° A filmography of the production company;
13° A copy of the assignment or option contract relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s), including, where applicable, the author(s) of the original work.
II – Final award decision :
1° A letter stating the amount of aid requested ;
2° An estimate of rewriting costs.
II-4.4. Supporting documents to be provided in support of an application for project development aid
(Articles 212-41 et seq.)
1° Curriculum vitae of the director(s) and, where applicable, the project development manager;
2° A full filmography of the production company, including any selections at major festivals and awards won, the date of the film’s theatrical release and box office results (number of viewers);
3° A statement of intent setting out the artistic and financial prospects for the company’s production and development policy, and mentioning any development and production agreements with private or public partners;
4° A financing plan for the development of the project, mentioning in particular aid already obtained, financing agreements signed with private or public partners for this project and the amount of aid requested from the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée;
5° A provisional timetable for the development of the project;
6° Any initial financial information relating to the production of the work and, in particular, an estimate of the cost of the work;
7° A summary (five to six lines);
8° A synopsis (five to six pages);
9° A statement of intent presenting the artistic aspects of the project and specifying, in particular, the writing work envisaged;
10° The curriculum vitae of the author(s), scriptwriter(s), dialogue writer(s), adaptor(s) and director(s);
11° For animated film projects, a presentation of the graphic part of the project, including a note on the techniques used, graphic elements for the characters and sets, and any documents that may inform the committee about the artistic aspects of the project;
12° Where applicable, if the project is adapted from a pre-existing literary work, two copies of the work;
13° Proof of expenses already incurred (copyright notes, bank statements proving payments);
14° A copy of the assignment or option contracts relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s) of the screenplay and any person collaborating on the writing, with proof of their registration in the public film and audiovisual register;
15° For the direct allocation mentioned in 1° of article 212-12, a copy of the co-production or co-development contracts or a copy of the application mandate;
16° For the direct allocation mentioned in 2° of article 212-12, the contract for the purchase of broadcasting rights for a short film produced with the director associated with the project submitted;
17° For the direct allocation mentioned in 3° of article 212-12, a copy of the contract relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the composer of the original music.
II-5. Automatic financial aid for the distribution of long-term cinematographic works
II-5.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for an investment allowance
(Articles 222-2 et seq.)
I.-Distribution agreement for guaranteed minimum distributor investment :
-A copy of the distribution mandate, registered in advance with the public film and audiovisual register.
II -Distribution agreement for investment in distribution expenses :
1° A copy of the theatrical distribution mandate, previously registered with the public film and audiovisual register;
2° An estimate of distribution costs.
II-5.2. List of festivals taken into account for investment in distribution expenses for long-run cinematographic works
(Article 222-8)
1° Selection in competition at one of the following festivals in France:
-Annecy: Animation Film Festival ;
-Cannes : Festival International du Film/ Quinzaine des Réalisateurs/ Semaine Internationale de la Critique/ Sélection de l’Association du Cinéma Indépendant pour sa Diffusion ;
-Paris: Cinéma du Réel;
-Marseille: International Film Festival;
-Lussas: Etats généraux du film documentaire ;
-Biarritz: International Festival of Audiovisual Documentary Programmes;
2° Selected in competition at one of the following foreign festivals:
a) Germany :
-Berlin: Official Competition, Panorama, Forum, Generation ;
b) Canada :
-Toronto ;
c) Spain :
-San Sebastian Film Festival ;
d) United States :
-Sundance Festival Films ;
e) Italy:
-Venice: Official Competition, Horizons, Critics’ Week, Venice Days (Giornate degli autori) ;
f) Netherlands:
-Rotterdam: International Film Festival ;
g) Czech Republic :
-Karlovy-Vary ;
h) Switzerland :
II-5.3. Supporting documents to be attached to a request for a direct allocation according to the conditions of distribution of cinematographic works
(Articles 222-17 and following)
I.-Case mentioned in 1° of article 222-20 :
1° A copy of the distribution mandate where it is not yet entered in the cinema and audiovisual register;
2° The theatrical release plan.
II – In the case mentioned in 2° of article 222-20 :
1° A copy of the distribution mandate if not yet entered in the film and audiovisual register;
2° An extract from the ledger detailing the final distribution expenses for the work concerned;
3° A certificate from a chartered accountant stating the amount of final distribution expenses.
III -Second instalment referred to in article 222-23 :
1° An extract from the ledger detailing the final distribution expenses for the work concerned;
2° A certificate from a chartered accountant indicating the amount of final distribution expenses.
II-6. Selective financial aid for the distribution of certain cinematographic works
II-6.1. Supporting documents to be provided in support of an application for distribution aid for previously unreleased works
(Articles 223-1 et seq.)
I.-Application for a specific unreleased work :
1° A letter introducing the distribution company and outlining the distribution strategy for the film concerned;
2° Any document presenting the planned advertising and promotional material;
3° A copy of the latest version of the distribution company’s articles of association and a copy of the K bis extract from the trade and companies register dating back less than three months (for the first application only, except in the case of modifications);
4° A copy of the distribution mandate for the work concerned;
5° The certificate of registration of the distribution mandate in the public film and audiovisual register;
6° Dates of press screenings;
7° One or more viewing aids with French subtitles.
II -Application for a programme of previously unreleased works :
A.-For the programme :
1° A report on the previous year’s distribution programme, where this led to the allocation of aid ;
2° A list of the works making up the programme, indicating their main characteristics and the provisional release budget;
3° A note outlining the company’s distribution policy;
4° A note containing legal and financial information enabling the company’s situation to be assessed.
B.-For each work in the programme:
1° A copy of the distribution mandate for the work concerned entered in the public film and audiovisual register;
2° A detailed release plan and budget;
3° Any document presenting advertising and promotional material;
4° One or more media for viewing the work with French subtitles.
II-6.2. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for distribution aid for repertory works
(Articles 223-9 et seq.)
I.-Application for a specific repertoire work or a retrospective :
1° A letter introducing the distribution company and outlining the distribution strategy for the film concerned;
2° The dates of press screenings;
3° Any document presenting the planned advertising and promotional material;
4° One or more screening media, with French subtitles (for each of the works in the case of a retrospective);
5° Letters of commitment from at least ten cinemas;
6° A copy of the latest version of the distribution company’s articles of association and a copy of the K bis extract from the trade and companies register dated less than three months (for the first application only, except in the case of modifications);
7° A copy of the distribution mandate for the work(s) concerned;
8° The certificate of registration of the distribution mandate in the public film and audiovisual register.
II – Application for an annual distribution programme for repertory works :
A.-For the programme :
1° A report on the previous year’s distribution programme where this led to the allocation of aid ;
2° A list of the works making up the programme, indicating their main characteristics and the provisional release budget;
3° A note outlining the company’s distribution policy;
4° A note containing legal and financial information enabling the company’s situation to be assessed.
B.-For each work in the programme:
1° A copy of the distribution mandate for the work concerned entered in the public film and audiovisual register;
2° A detailed release plan and budget;
3° Any document presenting advertising and promotional material;
4° One or more media for viewing the work with French subtitles.
II-6.3. Supporting documents to enclose with an application for aid for the distribution of works intended for young audiences
(Articles 223-15 et seq.)
1° A letter presenting the distribution company and outlining the distribution strategy for the film concerned;
2° Dates of press screenings;
3° Any document presenting the planned advertising and promotional material;
4° One or more viewing aids with French subtitles;
5° One or more accompanying documents;
6° A copy of the distribution mandate for the work or works concerned;
7° The certificate of registration of the distribution mandate in the public film and audiovisual register.
II-7. Selective aid for the structure of certain distribution companies
II-7.1. Supporting documents to be provided in support of an application for structural aid for fragile companies
(Articles 223-25 et seq.)
1° A balance sheet of the previous year’s distribution activity ;
2° A presentation of the forecast distribution activity for the current year and the corresponding forecast budget;
3° A note outlining the company’s distribution policy;
4° A note containing detailed legal, financial and accounting information enabling the company’s situation to be assessed.
II-7.2. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application for additional aid to the structure of companies benefiting from direct allocations according to the conditions of distribution of cinematographic works
(Articles 223-33 et seq.)
1° A report on distribution activity in the previous year;
2° A presentation of projected distribution activity for the current year and a corresponding projected budget;
3° A note outlining the company’s distribution policy;
4° A note containing detailed legal, financial and accounting information enabling the company’s situation to be assessed.
II-8. Selective financial aid for programming and promotional activities in cinematographic establishments
II-8.1. Equivalence and assessment grids for the allocation of art house aid
(Articles 231-9 et seq.)
I.- Equivalence grid proportion/amount-First group (Article 231-11) :
Category A | Category B | ||
% > = and < | € | % > = and < | € |
55-60 | 1 000 | ||
60-65 | 4 500 | ||
70-73 | 1 000 | 65-70 | 5 400 |
73-75 | 3 000 | 70-75 | 6 300 |
75-80 | 7 200 | 75-80 | 7 200 |
80-85 | 8 100 | 80-85 | 8 100 |
85-90 | 9 000 | 85-90 | 9 000 |
90-95 | 9 900 | 90-95 | 9 900 |
95-100 | 10 800 | 95-100 | 10 800 |
100-105 | 11 700 | 100-105 | 11 700 |
105-110 | 12 600 | 105-110 | 12 600 |
110-115 | 13 500 | 110-115 | 13 500 |
115-120 | 14 400 | 115-120 | 14 400 |
120-125 | 15 300 | 120-125 | 15 300 |
125-130 | 16 200 | 125-130 | 16 200 |
130-135 | 17 100 | 130-135 | 17 100 |
135-140 | 18 000 | 135-140 | 18 000 |
140-145 | 18 900 | 140-145 | 18 900 |
145-150 | 19 800 | 145-150 | 19 800 |
150-155 | 20 700 | 150-155 | 20 700 |
II – Index/amount equivalence grid – Second group (Article 231-12) :
R > = and < | € | R > = and < | € | R > = and < | € |
0.25-0.30 | 900 | ||||
0.30-0.35 | 900 | 0.30-0.35 | 1 800 | ||
0.40-0.45 | 900 | 0.35-0.40 | 900 | 0.35-0.40 | 2 700 |
0.45-0.47 | 900 | 0.40-0.45 | 3 300 | 0.40-0.45 | 4 000 |
0.47-0.50 | 3 300 | 0.45-0.50 | 4 200 | 0.45-0.50 | 5 000 |
0.50-0.55 | 5 100 | 0.50-0.55 | 5 100 | 0.50-0.55 | 6 000 |
0.55-0.60 | 6 000 | 0.55-0.60 | 6 000 | 0.55-0.60 | 7 000 |
0.60-0.70 | 7 200 | 0.60-0.70 | 7 200 | 0.60-0.65 | 8 000 |
0.70-0.80 | 8 100 | 0.70-0.80 | 8 100 | 0.65-0.70 | 9 000 |
0.80-0.90 | 9 000 | 0.80-0.90 | 9 000 | 0.70-0.75 | 10 000 |
0.90-1.00 | 9 900 | 0.90-1.00 | 9 900 | 0.75-0.80 | 11 000 |
1.00-1.10 | 11 700 | 1.00-1.10 | 11 700 | 0.80-0.85 | 12 000 |
1.10-1.20 | 13 500 | 1.10-1.20 | 13 500 | 0.85-0.90 | 13 000 |
1.20-1.30 | 15 300 | 1.20-1.30 | 15 300 | 0.90-0.95 | 14 000 |
1.30-1.40 | 17 100 | 1.30-1.40 | 17 100 | 0.95-1.00 | 15 000 |
1.40-1.50 | 18 900 | 1.40-1.50 | 18 900 | 1.00-1.05 | 16 000 |
1.50-1.60 | 21 600 | 1.50-1.60 | 21 600 | 1.05-1.10 | 17 000 |
1.60-1.70 | 24 300 | 1.60-1.70 | 24 300 | 1.10-1.15 | 18 000 |
1.70-1.80 | 27 000 | 1.70-1.80 | 27 000 | 1.15-1.20 | 19 000 |
1.80-1.90 | 29 700 | 1.80-1.90 | 29 700 | 1.20-1.25 | 20 000 |
1.90-2.00 | 32 400 | 1.90-2.00 | 32 400 | 1.25-1.30 | 21 000 |
2.00-2.10 | 35 100 | 2.00-2.10 | 35 100 | 1.30-1.35 | 22 000 |
2.10-2.20 | 38 700 | 2.10-2.20 | 38 700 | 1.35-1.40 | 23 000 |
2.20-2.30 | 42 300 | 2.20-2.30 | 42 300 | 1.40-1.45 | 24 000 |
2.30-2.40 | 45 900 | 2.30-2.40 | 45 900 | 1.45-1.50 | 25 000 |
2.40-2.50 | 49 500 | 2.40-2.50 | 49 500 | 1.50-1.55 | 26 000 |
2.50-2.60 | 53 100 | 2.50-2.60 | 53 100 | 1.55-1.60 | 27 000 |
2.60-2.70 | 56 700 | 2.60-2.70 | 56 700 | 1.60-1.65 | 28 000 |
2.70-2.80 | 60 300 | 2.70-2.80 | 60 300 | 1.65-1.70 | 29 000 |
> = 2.80 | = + 3600/0.1 | > = 2.80 | = + 3600/0.1 | 1.70-1.75 | 30 000 |
1.75-1.80 | 31 000 | ||||
> = 1.80 | = + 3000/0.1 |
III – Assessment grid for the number of cinema weeks during the reference period – Excluding new establishments and work periods (Article 231-18 1°) :
Number of weeks in operation | Malus |
Less than 32 weeks | Ineligible |
Equal to or greater than 32 and less than 36 weeks | -30 |
Equal to or greater than 36 and less than 40 weeks | -15 |
Equal to or greater than 40 and less than 44 weeks | -10 |
Equal to or greater than 44 and less than 47 weeks | -5 |
The figures shown correspond to the average number of cinema weeks of operation per year of the cinema observed during the reference period.
IV – Assessment grid for the number of film screenings per cinema (Article 231-18 2°) :
Quality | Categories A and B | Categories C and D | Category E |
Minimum eligibility threshold for the establishment | 300 | 200 | 150 |
Malus | Between 300 and 400 | Between 200 and 300 | Between 150 and 200 |
The figures given correspond to the average number of screenings per year per cinema during the reference period.
V.-Grid for assessing the number and diversity of arthouse cinematographic works programmed (Article 231-18 3°) :
Minimum number of arthouse films (based on 373 recommended arthouse films) | ||||||||
Group 1 | Group 2 | |||||||
Screens | A and B | C | D | E | ||||
Minimum | Ineligible | Minimum | Not eligible | Minimum | Not eligible | Minimum | Not eligible | |
1 | 44 | 36 | 58 | 42 | 53 | 32 | 37 | 21 |
2 | 86 | 56 | 68 | 47 | 58 | 37 | 47 | 26 |
3 | 96 | 64 | 79 | 53 | 63 | 47 | 58 | 32 |
4 | 104 | 72 | 89 | 58 | 68 | 53 | 63 | 37 |
5 | 112 | 80 | 100 | 63 | 84 | 58 | 68 | 42 |
6 | 120 | 88 | 110 | 68 | 105 | 63 | 79 | 53 |
7 | 128 | 96 | 121 | 74 | 110 | 74 | 89 | 63 |
8 | 136 | 104 | 137 | 84 | 116 | 84 |
align=’center’> |
74 |
9 | 144 | 112 | 152 | 95 | 126 | 95 | 116 | 84 |
10 | 152 | 120 | 168 | 110 | 137 | 105 | 126 | 95 |
11 | 160 | 128 | 184 | 126 | 147 | 116 | 137 | 105 |
12 | 168 | 136 | 200 | 142 | 163 | 126 | 147 | 116 |
13 | 176 | 144 | 215 | 158 | 179 | 137 | 158 | 126 |
14 | 184 | 152 | 231 | 173 | 194 | 147 | 168 | 137 |
15 and over | 192 | 160 | 247 | 189 | 210 | 158 | 179 | 147 |
VI – Assessment grid for cinema comfort and technical quality of projection (Article 231-18 4°)
Quality | Group 1 | Group 2 |
Very poor | -25 | -0,25 |
Poor | -10 | -0,10 |
Average | -5 | -0,05 |
II-8.2. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for assistance with difficult programming
(Article 231-33 et seq.)
1° A table detailing receivables and payables ;
2° Accounting records;
3° The final balance sheet;
4° The latest tax return.
II-9. Automatic financial aid for the creation and modernisation of cinematographic establishments
II-9.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for an investment allowance
(Article 232-3 et seq.)
I.-Work, investments or training carried out :
1° A list of the work, investments or training carried out ;
2° A copy of the invoices, accompanied by a payment declaration signed by the contractor, supplier or service provider.
II – Work, investment or training to be carried out :
1° A list of the work, investment or training ;
2° A detailed estimate;
3° The start and completion dates of the work, investment or training;
4° Advance payment receipts from contractors, suppliers or service providers.
II-10. Selective financial aid for the creation and modernisation of cinematographic establishments
II-10.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for aid for small and medium-sized cinemas
(Articles 232-24 et seq.)
I.-General regime :
1° The list of establishments operated and/or owned by the applicant, either alone or as part of a community of economic interests;
2° In the case of a new establishment or additional screen(s), the market study carried out by a specialist firm or by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
3° An operating profit and loss account for the establishment, both before the works and forecast;
4° A map of the town showing the location of the cinema(s);
5° A map showing the location of cinemas in the region within a radius of approximately 30 kilometres;
6° In the case of major works, site and massing plans, floor plans, cross-sections and facades of the existing building and the project, showing the layout of seats, screen(s) and booth(s), as well as sketches of the project in the case of the creation or addition of screens;
7° The architect’s estimates or detailed preliminary project;
8° A description of the improvements, works and/or acquisition(s) for which aid is requested and an architectural description if an architect is involved;
9° Copies of grant applications to local authorities and any other public bodies, together with any replies;
10° Minutes of the last visit by the Safety Commission;
11° Photos of the cinema (exterior and interior: hall, auditoriums, facade);
12° A note detailing the programming and entertainment project and, if applicable, the documents published to support the entertainment;
13° Where applicable, the decision of the Commission départementale d’aménagement cinématographique and/or the Commission nationale d’aménagement cinématographique;
14° Where applicable, a certificate less than one year old stating that the company is not liable to pay VAT, issued by the tax authorities;
15° Document(s) attesting that the establishment has been or will be made accessible to people with disabilities and, where applicable, requests and/or agreements for exemptions, as well as a copy of the application for the Agenda d’Accessibilité Programmé (Ad’Ap).
II – Training :
1° The list of establishments operated and/or owned by the applicant, either alone or as part of a community of economic interests;
2° The establishment’s operating profit and loss account;
3° The training estimate;
4° Copies of applications for subsidies from local authorities and any other public bodies, together with any replies;
5° Where applicable, a certificate issued by the tax authorities less than a year ago stating that the establishment is not liable to pay VAT;
6° Documents certifying that the establishment has been or will be made accessible to people with disabilities and, where applicable, requests or agreements for exemptions, as well as a copy of the application for a Programmed Accessibility Agenda (Ad’Ap);
7° A note detailing the content of the planned training and the initiatives that the operator intends to develop following the training.