Contracts may be awarded in separate lots, unless their subject does not allow separate services to be identified. The National Council determines the number, size and purpose of the lots. It may limit the number of lots for which a single economic operator may submit a tender or the number of lots that may be awarded to a single economic operator.
The national council shall indicate in the consultation documents whether economic operators may tender for a single lot, several lots or all lots and, where appropriate, the maximum number of lots that may be awarded to a single tenderer.
II -The National Council may award a contract comprising a firm tranche and one or more optional tranches, under the conditions laid down in Articles R. 2113-4, R. 2113-5 and R. 2113-6 of the Public Procurement Code.
III – The National Council may authorise or require the presentation of variants in the consultation documents.
When it authorises or requires the presentation of variants, it shall state in the consultation documents the minimum requirements that the variants must meet and any special conditions for their presentation.
A variant may not be rejected solely on the grounds that, if it were accepted, it would lead to a service contract instead of a supply contract or to a supply contract instead of a service contract.