The joint conciliation commission referred to in article L. 1110-3, which has jurisdiction in the event of a complaint lodged by a person who considers that he or she has been the victim of a discriminatory refusal of care by a health professional belonging to a professional association, is composed of :
1° Two representatives of the local health insurance body within whose jurisdiction the practitioner is based on the date of referral to the commission, appointed by the council or board of directors of the body;
2° Two members representing the competent council of the association on whose roll the health professional is registered on the date of referral, appointed by :
a) The departmental or interdepartmental council of the association for doctors, dental surgeons, midwives, nurses and masseur-physiotherapists;
b) The regional or inter-regional council of the professional body for chiropodists and pharmacists covered by section A ;
c) The central council of the professional body for pharmacists in the other sections.
Each of the authorities mentioned in 1° and 2° appoints two full members and two alternates for a period of three years.