The advance directives referred to in article L. 1111-11 are a written document, dated and signed by the author, who is an adult, duly identified by giving his or her surname, first name, date and place of birth. A person of full age who is the subject of a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person may draw up advance directives with the authorisation of the judge or the family council if this has been constituted.
However, if the author of these directives, although able to express his/her wishes, is unable to write and sign the document himself/herself, he/she may ask two witnesses, including the trusted support person when designated in accordance with article L. 1111-6, to certify that the document that he/she was unable to draw up himself/herself is the expression of his/her free and informed wishes. These witnesses shall state their name and capacity and their attestation shall be attached to the advance directives.
Advance directives may be revised or revoked at any time. They are revised in the same way as they are drawn up in the first paragraph. If there is more than one valid written document, the most recent takes precedence.