When the beneficiary of health insurance is an unemancipated minor or an adult subject to a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person, the rights provided for in this sub-section are exercised by the legal representative or by the person responsible for exercising the measure, who are recipients of the information relating to the exercise of this right.
Where the holder of the pharmaceutical record is a minor and is being treated without the consent of his legal representative under the conditions provided for in articles L. 1111-5, L. 1111-5-1, L. 2212-7 and L. 6211-3-1, the healthcare professional shall provide him with the information provided for in I of article R. 1111-20-1 and inform him of his right to object to the seizure provided for in article L. 1111-13-1. The holder of the record may, for this assumption of responsibility, object to his pharmaceutical record being consulted and added to, without this objection being brought to the attention of the Conseil national de l’ordre des pharmaciens.