The shared medical file contains :
1° Data relating to the holder of the shared medical record:
a) Data relating to the identity and identification of the holder ;
b) Data relating to prevention, health and medical, social and medico-social monitoring, in order to serve the coordination, quality and continuity of care, including in emergencies, in particular vaccination status, medical and paramedical summaries, the liaison letters referred to in article L. 1112-1, medical biology reports, medical imaging tests, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and prescribed treatments.
This data is entered into the shared medical record on the day of the consultation, examination or result which led to its production and at the latest on the day the patient is discharged after hospitalisation.
This data may also be added to the shared medical record by the digital health services listed in the digital health space catalogue under the conditions defined in articles R. 1111-37 to R. 1111-39 ;
c) Data added to the record by the holder himself;
d) Data required for the coordination of care resulting from reimbursement procedures, held by the compulsory health insurance organisation to which each beneficiary belongs. To this end, the Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie will implement a personal data processing system for all health insurance beneficiaries who have created a shared medical file, with the aim of receiving and organising the data referred to in this point;
e) Data relating to the dispensing of medicinal products, taken from the pharmaceutical record referred to in article L. 1111-23 ;
f) Data relating to organ or tissue donation;
g) Data relating to the advance directives referred to in article L. 1111-11 ;
2° If the data subject is a minor, data relating to the identity of his/her legal representatives and their contact details; if the data subject is an adult subject to a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person, data relating to the identity of the person responsible for this measure and his/her contact details;
3° Data relating to the identity and contact details of the trusted support person referred to in article L. 1111-6 ;
4° Data relating to the identity and contact details of the holder’s relatives to be notified in the event of an emergency and, where applicable, of the carer referred to in articles L. 113-1-3 and R. 245-7 of the Social Action and Family Code;
5° Data relating to the identity and contact details of the attending doctor referred to in article L. 162-5-3 of the Social Security Code;
6° An updated list of the professionals, health establishments, social or medico-social establishments or services authorised to access the patient’s medical records and those to which the holder has forbidden access;
7° Data relating to the access authorisations mentioned in 8° of article R. 1111-27 of this code.