I. – The request for an opinion on a research project involving the human person is filed by the sponsor on the information system mentioned in article R. 1123-20-1, which assigns it to a personal data protection committee under the conditions provided for by this same article.
The file requesting an opinion on a research project involving the human person includes :
1° An administrative file ;
2° A file on the research involving the human person including, in particular, the protocol in the form of a dated document, incorporating, where applicable, successive amendments and describing the objective(s), design, method, statistical aspects and organisation of the research and, where applicable, a brochure for the investigator.
The content and methods of presentation of the dossier requesting an opinion are specified by order of the Minister for Health, issued on a proposal from the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé for research falling within its remit.
II. – For the research mentioned in 3° of article L. 1121-1 relating to a product mentioned in article L. 5311-1 and for which the intervention on the human person only gives rise to questionnaires, observations or interviews, the application file includes, signed by the sponsor:
1° A document certifying that the research is designed and carried out in accordance with the legislative and regulatory provisions of this Title ;
2° A declaration that the questionnaires and interviews comply with a reference methodology approved by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) in accordance with article 11 of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms;
3° A summary of the protocol drawn up according to a format defined by order of the Minister for Health.