For the research mentioned in 1° of Article L. 1121-1 involving the cell therapy preparations defined in Article L. 1243-1, the sponsor shall report to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé any suspected serious unexpected adverse reactions occurring in France and outside national territory within the following time limits:
1° In the case of a serious unexpected adverse reaction resulting in death or life-threatening serious adverse reaction, without delay from the day on which the sponsor becomes aware of the reaction;
2° In the case of other unexpected serious adverse reactions, at the latest within fifteen days of the day on which the sponsor became aware of them.
For research involving persons with no medical condition who voluntarily lend themselves to research involving the human person, the sponsor must report the events or effects mentioned in 7° of Article R. 1123-46 to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé without delay.
The sponsor declares additional relevant information concerning unexpected serious adverse reactions to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé in the form of a follow-up report. In the case of a suspected life-threatening or fatal unexpected serious adverse reaction, this additional information is notified within eight days of the notification deadline mentioned in 1°. In other cases of suspected serious unexpected adverse reaction and in the event of new facts mentioned in Article L. 1123-10, including the serious incidents defined in 4° of Article R. 1211-31 for the cell therapy preparations mentioned in Article L. 1243-1, the relevant additional information is sent within a further period of eight days from the fifteen-day period mentioned in 2°.