I.-When the college of experts carries out the assessment itself on the basis of the claim file, the Office will send its report to the parties and, where applicable, to their counsel, to the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article L. 1142-24-2 and to their insurers, if any, who will then have a period of fifteen days in which to send it any comments they may have.
II – The experts appointed by the Chairman of the College shall send their draft report to the parties and, where applicable, to their counsel, to the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article L. 1142-24-2 and to their insurers, if any, who shall then have a period of fifteen days in which to send these experts any comments they may have.
Within three months of the date of their appointment, the experts send their expert report to the College of Experts, including their response to any observations made by the parties.
The College of Experts then draws up its report, taking into account the report of the external expert(s), and sends it to the parties and, where applicable, to their counsel, to the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article L. 1142-24-2 and to their insurers, if any, who then have a period of fifteen days in which to send it any comments they may have.
III – In all cases, the College will take into consideration the comments of the parties and, at their request, will attach all related documents to its report.
The panel’s report is also sent to the medical services of the social security organisations to which the victim is or was affiliated at the time of the injury suffered, as well as to those of the other third-party payers of the benefits paid in respect of this injury.